Paper Preparation and Submission

All submissions will be peer reviewed.

Please note: Full Paper, Short Paper, and WiP are “review-to-publish” submission types. Each paper must have at least one author participating in the reviewing process in order to be published in the proceedings. Please check with your co-authors to make sure that at least one of you has agreed to be a reviewer.


  1. Create a user account on the ConfTool Submission Server:
  2. Upload
    • Structured abstract without author’s names
      • 2 pages for Full Papers
      • 1 page for all other contribution types
  3. Wait for the review results
  4. If accepted upload your complete paper (without author’s names)
  5. Wait for the review results
  6. If accepted upload your final paper (with author’s names)
  7. Register for participation

All paper and short paper submissions are subject to a double blind reviewing process

Current Phase

Submission of Complete Papers and Proposals

What to submit

Full Papers and Short Papers:
Submit: anonymous complete paper in PDF (12-20 pages for full papers, 8-12 pages for short papers). Here are the template kits for Word and LaTeX.

WiP submissions are for reporting on work that is still in the process of study and/or implementation for which results will not be available by the time of draft paper submission; papers submitted in this category must have titles beginning with the phrase, “Work-in-Progress: Title”. Submit: anonymous complete paper (max 10 pages) in PDF. Here are the template kits for Word and LaTeX.

Write a description of the presented works for your poster. Submit it as an anonymous paper in PDF format (min. 6 pages – max. 8 pages). Contributions submitted in this category must have titles beginning with the phrase “Poster: Title”. Here are the template kits for Word and LaTeX.
The poster itself is not dependent on any template, however, the size should be in the range of DIN A1 (841mm x 594mm).

Round Table & Panel Discussion Proposal:
Submit: a description of your round table in PDF format. More details in the round table proposal template.

The main goal of the demonstration session is to foster participants discussion simultaneously with demonstration of remote and virtual labs. Online demonstrations or lectures from a remote location are also welcome. The author is supposed to use his/her personal computer. Contributions submitted in this category must have titles beginning with the phrase “Demonstration: Title”.  Submit: structured abstract in PDF (1 page). Here is the abstract template.

Where to upload

ICBL ConfTool:

IMPORTANT: We work with the metadata that you submit along with your paper, so please:

  • Have the corresponding author submit the contribution (for Springer, the submitting author will be the corresponding author)
  • Submit correct data:
    • correct spelling of authors’ names in paper and metadata,
    • coherent spelling of authors’ names trough all your papers if you have more than one
    • do not inverse first name/last name etc.
  • Observe the deadlines: Reference time for deadlines is the time displayed in Conftool!